Special issue: Quality i laboratory diagnostics: from theory to practice
In to day’s heal th ca re system the pre va len ce of me di cal er ro rs see ms to be hi gh as sta ted by the re po rt of the In sti tu te of Me di ci ne (IOM). An er ror rate of about 10% in cli ni cal me di cal la bo ra to ries has been con sis ten tly re por ted in the li te ra tu re. Mo st of the se er ro rs oc cur in the pre-a na lyti cal phase. Be cau se on ly a sma ll num ber of er ro rs wi ll be seen in the ana lyti cal pha se, it is ve ry li ke ly that the se mig ht be ve ry of ten ig no red. This over view wi ll deal wi th the requi re men ts of qua li ty that is not ba sed on qua li ty con trol sam ple mea su re me nt on ly. The knowled ge of ana lyti cal in ter fe ren ces and cri ti cal sam ple qua li ty wi ll o3 er va luab le so lu tio ns to im pro ve the glo bal qua li ty of the to tal tes ti ng pro ce ss. So me spe cial areas of the ana lyti cal pro ce ss su ch as ca lib ra tion, qua li ty con trol, re fe ren ce in ter val, drug in ter fe ren ce, sta tis ti cal ana lysis, pa rap ro tei ns and vo lu me dis pla ce me nt e3 e ct wi ll be dis cus sed. Wi th so me exam ples from the li te ra tu re and per so nal in ves ti ga tion, the im pa ct of er ro rs in the ana lyti cal pro ce ss wi ll be bet ter un der stood and the exam ples wi ll he lp re du ci ng the num ber of ana lyti cal er ro rs and in ter fe ren ces, so that a mu ch bet ter pa tie nt sa fe ty can be gran ted.
منابع مشابه
Practical and Laboratory Teaching point of view in students in Babol Univeristy of Medical Sciences in 1st Term of 2001-2002
Introduction. Quality assessment of medical student’s knowledge and way of practical and laboratory teaching is one of the priority studies in medical Education. The aim of this study is going over these skills in different majors of Babol Medical University, in order to improve the Quality and Circumstances of education. Methods. This descriptive- analytical study was performed as cross-secti...
متن کاملSensory Integration and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
The theory and practice of sensory integration were developed in the late 1960s by an occupational therapist and psychologist, Dr. A. Jean Ayres [1]. Also, known as sensory processing, it is “the neurological process that organizes sensation from one’s own body and from the environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment” [1].
متن کاملAdvances in Molecular Diagnostics
Copyright © 2013 Tavan Janvilisri et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. People at present day are facing serious global challenges in healthcare from emerging and reemerging diseases. Research in molecular diagnos...
متن کاملI-5: Semen Analysis - Clinical Laboratories; Is Standardization Applied?
Reduced semen quality is commonly claimed to be one of the main signs of male infertility and thus, analysis of semen is recommended as the cornerstone of a male fertility investigation. However, to control possible sources of physiological and methodological variation, and to generate reliable information on semen quality that can be accurately compared across different laboratories, semen ana...
متن کاملSpecial issue on database theory
This issue of the JCSS contains seven invited papers on database theory. The papers are representative of the latest and most promising research on advancing the state of the art in data management. The following process was used. First, eight papers were carefully selected from among the best research projects published in the top data management conferences during the first half of 2005 (the ...
متن کاملApplication of Quality Assurance Strategies in Diagnostics and Clinical Support Services in Iranian Hospitals
Background Iran has a widespread diagnostics and clinical support services (DCSS) network that plays a crucial role in providing diagnostic and clinical support services to both inpatient and outpatient care. However, very little is known on the application of quality assurance (QA) policies in DCSS units. This study explores the extent of application of eleven QA strategies in DCSS units withi...
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